Every baby is a gift, even if the wrapping is a little different.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Starting School

I've enrolled my son in an online school this year. It's the same program he did last year. He seemed to do well and he really enjoyed the technology part of it.

I plan to supplement it with my own reading program designed for children with Down syndrome. I will also supplement his school learning with sound cards to help him with his verbal skills.

Our plan is to enroll him in the local public school next year but we want him to be able to verbally communicate much better so that's what I'll work on with him throughout this year.

I was surprised last year by all that he learned through this online program. Yesterday and today we've been doing some review and he's retained quite a bit. One of the fallacies I've heard about kids with DS is that they can't really learn. So not true. My son has learned, and knows, his letters, numbers, many sight words, concepts such as in and out and up and down. He is now spelling his name orally. He can definitely learn and anyone who thinks differently is just wrong.

I'm looking forward to this school year to see what he'll learn and how he'll grow. Mostly, I'm hoping he'll be more verbal by the end of the year so that he can go to public school and be able to communicate with his peers and teachers.

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